Landlords to pay tax on unpaid rent
by Prokopis Hatzinikolaou,, 27 March 2015

Greek landlords will still have to pay income tax for the rents that their tenants have failed to pay, at a rate ranging from 11 to 33 percent, according to a circular issued on Friday by the general secretary for public revenues, Katerina Savvaidou.

The circular notes that taxable incomes from real estate utilization are those which "are supposed to be obtained by taxpayers or personal enterprises regardless of their collection, provided that the right of collection has been obtained and provided that the owner does not make any use of the property and does not offer any other services to the tenant (such as cleaning, insurance etc), so that this is characterized in its entirety as income from business activity."

The above paragraph leads to the conclusion that owners of properties for which tenants did not pay the rent that was due over the course of last year will be obliged to declare those amounts regularly as income collected and will be taxed at a rate of 11 percent for incomes of up to 12,000 euros per year and 33 percent for incomes above that threshold.