zoning plan for Greece
News 29 February 20087
"Bringing order to the building anarchy of Greece" was the
way Environment and Public Works Minister George Souflias described
the finalised national zoning plan, which was unveiled on February
27. Having been approved by the inner cabinet earlier that day, the
plan will now be put to parliament before Easter. Seen as essential
for the sustainable development of industry, tourism and housing, the
country's first such national zoning plan could, therefore, become
a reality by summer.
"This national zoning plan is one of the most important structural
changes to have taken place in this country in recent decades. From
now, everyone will know what they are able to do and where," said
Souflias. He conceded, however, that the plan, which is to be supplemented
by more specific zoning plans for tourism, industrial and renewable
energy installations, is no more than a guideline and will only be
properly enforceable once nationwide land and forest registries have
been completed.
Specifically, the zoning plan outlines the completion of land and forest
registries and the streamlining of municipalities, prefects and regions
(all within four years of the plan being passed by parliament), the
completion of studies on 80 protected Natura 2000 sites (by 2013) and
the completion of sewage and waste treatment facilities for areas of
more than 2,000 people (within five years). The plan envisages zones
identifying areas for industrial and tourism development. These zones,
said Souflias, would be supervised and the law enforced through fines.
However, the plan stopped short of banning or further restricting out-of-town
planning construction (viewed as a motivating factor for forest-burning)
as proposed in draft versions of the 77-page document.
"This is a significant step in the right direction, but I have
many reservations," Vivi Batsou, a senior member of the representation
committee of the Technical Chamber of Greece - the state advisory body
of engineers and architects - told this newspaper. "It is no more
than a guideline. The real question is whether the ministry will be
consistent with its interpretation and say that the same rules apply
in, say, Komotini and Crete, or whether the current situation where
each municipality does its own thing will prevail."
She added that out-of-town planning construction has been extremely
damaging to Greece environmentally. "There are a series of exceptions
through which out-of-town planning construction is made possible," she
explained. "Strictly speaking, you need four stremmata (4,000m2)
of land in order to build out of town. In reality, this can come down
to 750m2 if you meet certain provisions - for instance, if the land
was owned by someone before 1960 or if your land is next to a road
linking towns. This is why you see so many buildings along out-of-town
roads." Batsou acknowledged, however, that a strict ban on such
construction would be virtually unenforceable in the absence of land
and forest registries.
Indeed, Souflias outlined that the completion of the forest registry
would highlight many instances of illegal construction now deemed acceptable. "Some
have said that aerial photographs from 1945 should be used in making
the forest registry," said Souflias. "This would expose our
hypocrisy as it would show entire suburbs of Athens built on what was
once forestland. Would we then demolish these suburbs?" He suggested
the use of photographs from 1960, the most recent comprehensive aerial
photographs the country has.
Souflias' plan also envisages a drastic reduction in the number of
municipalities (currently over 1,000), prefectures and regions across
Greece. |