Ipomoea (Morning Glory) - Kamisiana, north west Crete
West Crete Journal, August 2005

Ipomoea (Morning Glory)

Origin: Central America
Ipomoea tricolor

As the name implies, Morning Glory flowers open in the morning, which allows the flower to be pollinated by bees and other insects that are active during the day. The flower lasts for one morning and then dies during the afternoon. New flowers open each day. The flower colour usually starts to fade a couple of hours before the petals started to show visible curling.

The beautiful Morning Glory is highly-prized by native Indians of Mexico for their medicinal and religious rituals. The black, angular seeds are called "tlitliltzin" and they contain the alkaloid ergine (d-lysergic acid amide), better known as natural LSD.

The plant is a creeper, and in Crete is often found on wasteland, draped over fences or in the courtyards of traditional houses.